Christmas Dilemma
By yesterday afternoon, I kept thinking that it was Tuesday, and I woke up this morning feeling like it was Wednesday. Anyone have tips on how to reset your internal weekly calendar?
Non sequitur.
In some years, I've done very well with Christmas gift ideas. Last year in particular was a good year - I got my mom a crockpot, my dad a craft beer book, and Chaz a coffee maker that we have used every single day since.
But this year I'm completely drawing a blank for both Chaz and for my dad. HELP. For Chaz, here are the rules:
- No "random stuff" - it needs to be something we'll use regularly or has a specific function. Basically, nothing that you'd find on the "100 Great Gift Ideas for Guys!" lists that you'd find in a Google search.
- No clothes.
- Not very expensive - the bed in the guest room was our main Christmas gift this year, so we're each planning to do something small and not pricey.
Anyone have any inspired ideas?