Eleven Months of James

And just like that, James is 11 months and his first birthday is right around the corner! He is as happy as ever, and as daring as ever to boot. Just with the past couple of days, he’s learned to climb up on to the window seat in the dormer in the kids’ room, and now that he’s figured it out, he does it nonstop.


He is also fully mobile at this point, and prefers walking to any other mode of transportation. I suspect he’ll be running within a week.


Just today I noticed that he’s popped through one additional tooth, which brings the total up to eight, and I’m assuming is why he hasn’t been sleeping terribly well for the past few days.

His latest tricks include lots of dancing (bouncing up and down or shaking his head back and forth), and, more frequently, blowing raspberries. He thinks it’s hilarious when you do it back at him.


He loves baths, he loves pushing around our hedgehog riding toy, he loves being anywhere near his big sister, and surprisingly, he loves snuggling, as long as he’s the one that comes to you, not vice versa. He despises having his diaper changed and he turns into an absolute alligator whenever you try.


I really can’t believe that he’ll be one in a month. We have so much stuff going on between now and then (like…actually a lot, not a sarcastic pandemic a lot) given that we’re trying to observe Advent and we’re looking forward to Christmas. It’ll be a fun month!


We love you, little buddy!
