One Month of Charlie

We’re starting off strong here by posting about Charlie’s first month while we’re only a week away from his second, but that’s ok! We have a lot going on over here!

At one month, Charlie spent the vast majority of his time sleeping. However, he was (and still is) very happy when he wakes up in the morning, and loves looking around and visually exploring everything he can see.

Thus far, he has still retained much - although not all - of his dark brown hair, and it likes to stick up on the top, especially soon after he’s had a bath.

He sleeps quite well for a newborn, and consistently sleeps at least three hours at a time at night. I’m hoping that sticks around, because not waking up three or more times a night is excellent. We’ll see what happens when he hits the four month mark.

He’s a big fan of stretching himself out, clearly enjoying living in a world with space versus being curled up inside of a womb. He also frequently waves his hands around, often alternating one and then the other.

Overall, he’s a happy, contented little chap, and loves to snuggle. In fact, his preferred way of falling asleep is to be held until he dozes off, and half the time he wakes up when he’s put down, and lets you know he wants you to pick him back up. Once you do that, he will cuddle with you he falls asleep again, and then you repeat the cycle until he’s really and truly out. It’s both adorable and occasionally frustrating, depending on how many other children need me during the whole process.

And his biggest accomplishment of the month? On the very day he turned one month old, he started to smile. I wasn’t quite able to capture it in a photo, but it may be the cutest thing in the entire world.

We love you, little buddy!