Two Months of James

TIME FLIES when you’re growing by the hour. James is two months old today! We’ll get his stats for height and weight at the doctor tomorrow, so I’ll add a postscript at the bottom when that info comes IN.

His biggest accomplishment this month is mastering the art of the smile. He’s a smiley kid and will light up when you talk to him. He’s a little more skeptical of the camera, but he warmed up eventually.


As of tomorrow, he’ll be in size 2 diapers, and he’s started wearing 3-6 month clothes within the last two weeks or so. While his growth in length and width are impressive, perhaps even more impressive is the fact that he seems to be growing hair. I had expected him to be bald until he turned one or so, but he has far surpassed those expectations. In person it looks brown at the moment, although in the pictures it seems blond, so the color remains up in the air.


He remains a pretty good sleeper, which is again somewhat expected. We’ll see if that changes around four months, but I’m hoping for the best.

Within the past week has has acquired an appreciation for “standing,” where we hold him up and he holds most of his weight (although he’s far from balancing). If he’s fussy, it’ll stop his disgruntlement in its tracks and he’ll start smiling.


He likes to stick his thumb between his other fingers when he’s holding a fist, which is just sorta funny.

It seems like he’s going to have blue eyes, which is somewhat surprising given that only one parent has blue eyes. We were discussing over over dinner the other night how we thought it was supposed to be a statistical near-impossibility to have two children with blue eyes if one parent has brown eyes (anyone else remember the punnet squares of 10th grade biology?), and I guess he is still too young to say for sure that his eyes will forever be blue, but we do seem to be on that track.


We’re having so much fun watching him grow. It’s the best! Here’s to month three…
