Three Months of James

Well…I meant to have at least one other blog post up between two months and three months, and considering we’ve been practically quarantined, I definitely had the time, but no dice. Next time!

James is three months old today!


He’s the smiliest baby there ever was. He’s also growing like a weed and has started inching his way into 6-9 month clothes. That’s been kinda fun, because the only 6-9 month clothing I currently have for him has come from Elise’s stockpile of baby clothes, so she definitely wore the onesie in these pictures.


Fortunately, white onesies are the most neutral of baby clothes.

In addition to smiling a ton, he has also started exploring his vocal range, which is adorable - he’ll tell you all kinds of “stories” that only he can understand. If you respond in a way that he finds particularly amusing, he’ll even giggle at you.


He spends a lot of time chomping on his hands and drooling, and I’ve actually thought that he might be teething. It seems ridiculously early, but I miiiiiight be able to see two bottom teeth just under his gums. I’ll report back next month to tell you if I’m delusional or not.

He has come very close to rolling over from back to tummy, pulling his knees up as high as he can and getting over on his side, although he hasn’t made it quite all the way to his stomach yet. He did manage to roll from tummy to back one time, although I don’t think it really counts because I had positioned his arms in such a way that rolling wouldn’t be terribly difficult.


He absolutely despises tummy time, and will start fussing within 30 seconds of being put down in that position. As a result, I’ve been quite indolent in my efforts to make sure he fits tummy time into his obviously very busy daily schedule of eating, playing, and sleeping.

He seems quite unaffected by the current quarantine situation, which is great. In fact, he’s probably benefiting from staying at home, when my natural tendency is to try to get out of the house at least once a day to run errands under normal circumstances. Instead, our near-daily outings have been limited to outdoor walking areas or our backyard, both of which seem decidedly healthier habitats for children than…say…Target.


His nicknames range from the normal (Jamie) to the slightly unusual (Guy) to the downright weird (Bubbo, Buddaboo, The Jamesophone). Those last three are limited to at-home use only, which is pretty easy these days. We’re all looking forward to the end of the coronavirus so we can visit with everyone again!

We love you, little guy! Keep growing!