Four Months of James

What day is it again?


It took me a hot second to realize that another month had passed. Fortunately, I paid just enough attention to the calendar to remember to take some photos during the daylight hours, and even get a blog post up on time!


All my photos are slightly more blurry this month, because he just likes to wiggle around! He successfully rolled over from back to belly at exactly 15 weeks, and has repeated it a couple of times since. However, being on his back is much preferred to being on his tummy, so he’s not too motivated to get all the way over very often. That said, he has taken to sleeping on his side, so I imagine that he’s pleased to have found a means to rotate himself even part of the way.


I’m also happy to report that my suspicions about teething last month proved to be correct - he has two bottom teeth! He was pretty miserable in the two days just before they popped through his gums, so I’m glad that the worst is behind him for those at least. He had a brief reprieve from drooling but seems to have started up again, so perhaps more teeth are on the horizon for him. Time will tell.


He has now mastered a wide range of vocal skills, his evident favorite being a sort of growly squeal that, in spite of “growly squeal” sounding dreadful, turns out to be rather infectiously joyous. Would that we all had such skills.


His two favorite activities seem to be lying on the floor to (visually) explore his surroundings, and standing up with a supporting hand or two. In fact, if he’s fussing, standing him up will almost always quell his agitation. Standing up also highlights the little rolls on his knees, which is adorable.


He naps like a champ and goes to bed like it’s his job, although he’s not currently spectacular at sleeping through the night. He’s typically up three to five times per night, so I’m tired. The fortunate thing about that is that he doesn’t need to eat every single time, so often popping his pacifier back in will do the trick.

Eventually, he got tired of his photo shoot today…


…so I guess that’s as good a place as any to stop. Until next month!