Seven Months of James

This little guy is seven months old, and I’m almost two weeks late on reporting the details!


All of the photos this month are a little blurry because he won’t. stop. moving. The only times he stays still are either when he’s sleeping or occasionally when nursing, although the very second that he’s done he’s twisting his body out of my arms to be on his way again. He went from almost crawling at 6 months to speed-crawling and pulling himself up all day every day at 7 months. The only downside is that diaper changes are now nearly impossible, but we make it work.


He’s also been loving eating solid food, and seems to particularly enjoy Cheerios, shredded carrots, and freeze dried fruit. He also likes toast strips, which is both good and bad - within the last few days I’ve needed to give them to him just one at a time, or else he’ll stuff it all in his mouth and start choking, which is scary.


He’s also completely stopped using his bath sponge while bathing, which means that he’s in an open tub. It’s become one of his favorite activities - I fill the tub with only an inch or two of water, and he crawls around in the water, stopping every so often to lift his hand up and down over and over again to make a splash. He must really enjoy the patting/splashing motion, because lately he’s taken to doing it on any surface, whether it’s water, a table, or my shirt.


In terms of growth, James is busting out of his 6-9 month clothes and starting in on 12-18. At his last doctor’s appointment in between 6 and 7 months, the doctor noted that he was in the 99.9th percentile for height, and he has an appetite to match. Between all his growing and moving, I think he eats nearly as much as Elise does at every meal. He and Elise are starting to play with each other a bit more, which is fun to see. I’m hoping that they’ll be lifelong friends, and that they’re setting the groundwork now. She likes to give him a kiss before he goes to bed, which is particularly endearing.


He’s just such a delightful baby and it’s the best thing to see how excited he is about discovering the world around him. What a gift.