Eight Months of James

Well. I guess I only post on my blog once a month now. Here we are at eight months and James just keeps on growing!

Getting non-blurry pictures of this kid is becoming increasingly difficult. He’s on the move constantly, crawling like a speed demon and pulling himself up like it’s his job. He cruises around furniture with ease, transferring himself between coffee table and couch like he’s been doing it his entire life.


On his 8 month birthday, he both graduated to size four diapers and started making a new clicking sound, which is his new favorite thing to do. He clicks all the time, and seems quite pleased with himself for having figured out how to do it.


This month was also momentous in that he got sleep trained, which wasn’t the most fun process for three nights, but now that those nights are behind us, he goes to bed between 7:00 and 8:00, sleeps all night until between 5:00 and 6:00, eats once and goes back to sleep, and then gets up for the day between 7:00 and 8:00 am. I had been totally against sleep training with Elise, but after not sleeping through the night until 22 months with her and now seeing how much better we all are getting a full night’s rest each night, I’m totally on board with it now. Three (hundred) cheers for Taking Cara Babies once again.


He and Elise are also now sharing a room, which is fun! I have a few more decor changes that I want to make, but it’s nice to have an actual nursery room.

In other news, he also learned how to scale the staircase, which means we now have it blocked off with a pull up bar (very high tech) to make sure that he doesn’t climb up and/or fall down while my back is turned. Of course, that didn’t stop me from spotting him and letting him do a little exploration to document his accomplishment…


He also continues to love to eat almost any food put in front of him, and he seems to enjoy gobbling every variety of fruit, toast with peanut butter, bell pepper, and chugging water with particular gusto. I’m trying to capitalize on his enthusiastic food exploration now, since things change around the year mark, so we’re trying to get as much new food exposure as possible now.

Finally, he’s started really enjoying watching Elise play, and he tries to see what he can do with her, occasionally to her chagrin.


And with that, I think we’ve had enough of a report for this month (even though the report was two weeks late). We’ll return next month for more, although I hope to post at least once more between now and then. Huzzah!